InterNoise 2018: The pilot noise map of São Paulo: first findings and next steps

Título | The pilot noise map of São Paulo: first findings and next steps

Resumo | São Paulo is one of the largest cities in the world, with more than 12 million inhabitants, however, environmental noise management is not taken into account on the urban planning. In 2012, a joint action between the Brazilian Association for Acoustic Quality – ProAcustica and the City Council, enabled the development of a Bill, approved in 2016. The document establishes the mandatory implementation of São Paulo’s noise map. Currently, the law regulation is being developed, and a pilot noise map was executed by ProAcustica aiming to support the establishment of an agenda by the city council. A crucial aspect in this process is that there are no environmental noise calculation models or standards for Brazilian cities characteristics. A pilot area was determined, and diferent European models were tested and compared with filed sound measurements to verify which one is closer to Brazilian traffic conditions using specific input data. The whole procedure was based on several international standards and good practice guidelines. In this article the adopted assumptions and the applied methodology for the first version of

the noise map are presented, as well as the identified issues that are to be studied in the near future.

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